Keeping your brand up-to-date is important and super easy to do by editing copy and adding or removing old brand assets.
You will need to log-in to your account and follow the below steps -
- Login to
- Click on Brands
- Click on Manage (which is next to View page).
- Use the the Edit button for each section and change/adjust what's required
- To view your changes, click again on brands, and then click view brand page
NOTE: When updating your logo, it may take up to 15 minutes for changes to take effect on your live view brand page. To change the logo go to the details section and click the first edit button for the brand info section.
Also, don't forget the 'Media' tab which is next to 'Details'. Media is often overlooked and is a great area to upload images and videos which will appear on the job media carousel. These images and videos help make the job standout and differentiate it - these help the job seeker visualise the role, the company, culture and assists them in making a decision as to whether to apply for the role.
The final tab is for 'Articles' and is another great way to educate and inform job seekers what makes your company special and different, particularly in an age where job seekers are wanting more than just financial stability and a standard 9-to-5 job. They yearn for roles that align with their passions, values, and a thriving work environment.
@careerone How to manage your brands on CareerOne! #careerone #Australia ♬ LoFi(860862) - skollbeats
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