If this is your first time posting a job online, the template below can be helpful as a general guide on how to structure your job description. TIP: Current job market trends in Australia show that job ads that display the salary are more attractive to job seekers.
Traditional job postings no longer entice the top-tier candidates as they once did. The next generation of talent seeks want more than just financial stability and a standard 9-to-5 job. They yearn for roles that align with their passions, values, and a thriving work environment.
As such to grab the attention of next generation the following should be included in the job description -
- Perks & benefits.
- Culture.
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).
- Growth & career development.
- Environmental impact.
Company: "ABCDEF Company 2024"
Job title.
Suburb, State.
- Tell the seeker a little about the company - largest provider of ABC in Australia.
- Talk a little about the culture.
- Potential for career development and progession, perks & bonuses, company outings.
Lead into the role with what the company does and what differentiates the company from other similar providers. Also, tell tell the seeker (briefly) what you are looking for in a candidate.
About the role
Several dot points on the purpose of the role and what the seeker will be reponsible for and what they can expect in a day.
- Responding to customer enquiries
- Experience in retro games and collectibles
- Support the business and colleagues
- Complete relevant purchases and ensure they are shipped out
About you
Your time has come to shine. As an exapert in ABC, you will use your experience to ...
- Good with people.
- Proactive follow-up with clients.
- Establish and enhance customer relationships.
- Extensive experience in.
- Professionally handle customer enqueries and escalations.
Why join the family
- Profit share.
- Paid parental leave.
- Extensive training and development.
- Career Progression.
- Uniform provided.
- Onsite car parking and close to transport.
- Minimum 2 years' experience working as X.
- Permanent resident or Australian citizen.
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